UMB Community Classifieds - Registration Information

Once you have become a regisered user, you will have access to place your ads, renew your ad and amend your ad at your convenience. Ads that have been listed for longer than 30 days will be removed from the site.


Please note: some of the information that you enter here will be automatically placed into your ad. If you are placing an ad for someone else, be sure to use their contact information.

Disclaimer: Off-campus housing is provided solely as a convenience. The University of Maryland, Baltimore does not inspect, endorse or assume any responsibility for any properties, accommodations, or other housing options or websites; and it expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise within connection therewith. Individuals are strongly advised to thoroughly investigate and inspect any properties, accommodations, or other housing options before making final arrangements. Contact the property owners for answers to questions regarding properties.